Clive Barrow

Clive  considers himself deeply privileged to have worked in some of the world’s most remarkable corners, and to have had an opportunity to impact people at all levels of some of the world’s leading organisations.

He is originally from England, and settled with his family in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand in 2005 where he has made his home.  He is a former British cavalry officer, and following his military career, led a series of challenging expeditions to East Africa, Pakistan, Guyana, Chile, Poland and Australia with a focus on developing leadership in young people.  He thrives on adventure and new challenges as his career choices demonstrate, and brings a strongly pragmatic, experiential approach to his work as a professional leadership consultant and ICC certified executive coach.  

He has worked in over 40 countries worldwide during his varied career which has equipped him with a strong cultural awareness and the capacity to adapt his approach to highly diverse organisational environments and cultures.  He has operated in commercial senior management and leadership roles in the UK, Hong Kong and New Zealand, and for 7 years was an executive director of the world leading youth leadership organisation, World Challenge.

Since 2007, Clive has primarily supported multinational organisations in the Asia Pacific region.  working with leaders and teams from Hong Kong, mainland China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia Australia and New Zealand,  but also including India, the Middle East and Africa.